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Welcome to, the first e-commerce for gelato ingredients.

877 views 0 Liked is a world of ingredients and ideas for artisanal gelato, a well-known quintessential Italian delight. was born in Milan, an innovative city and hotbed of emerging trends, and is the first e-commerce site to offer products for gelato makers.

As Sigep 2019 is getting closer is expanding: it is now online with its International site, open to gelato makers and buyers worldwide. offers an innovative service in step with the times:

  • gelato makers can select and purchase ingredients and accessories online, easily and at any time of the day, and can compare offers and discover new opportunities through a catalogue of over 1,500 constantly updated ingredients 

  • it is also a platform for buyers who want to expand their business opportunities: one single site that gives them access to a vast selection of products, to offer their customers more choice and new earning.

If you’re a gelato maker or an artisanal gelato professional, sign up at and stay in touch with a world of opportunities.

Registered accounts can access products pricing, receive personalised special offersorder online or request an ad hoc quotation once completed their shopping list accordingly to the country of registration. 

In the meantime, if you are coming to Sigep 2019 write down Hall C6 - Booth 019: is where you can meet the founders to explore new business opportunities.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Rimini, 

Andrea Quarantini and Niccolò Pepori

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