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Latest posts candidate for the Netcomm eCommerce Award 2019

1220 views 0 Liked candidate for the Netcomm eCommerce Award 2019 al Netcomm eCommerce AwardWe are proud to be candidates for the Netcomm eCommerce Award

The most important award dedicated to the Italian excellence of E-Commerce and Digital Retail..

Thanks to our partner Var Group Digital and all the companies that collaborate with us and support our project with enthusiasm.

We are waiting for your visit at the Netcomm Forum at MiCo Milano on 29 | 30 May. Found at Piazza Var at the stand Var Group 0-L10 

The Netcomm eCommerce Award
will be awarded during the Netcomm Forum, the event of reference in Italy, where to deepen and discuss on the issues of e-commerce, digital retail and business innovation. is a candidate in the Food & Beverage and Start-up & new promises categories.

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